ASD Update

The 2020-2023 Assembly of Student Delegates (ASD) is one year into its term, so here is a quick update on some of our work so far, and some ways that you, as a MT student can get involved.

Through all of our projects, we try to foster connections between students all over the world. This has perhaps been even more important over the last year, as the pandemic has caused a lot of isolation and anxiety. Our Facebook group ( has allowed us to provide a platform for MT students to connect, share ideas, and ask questions. This was most evident this year on the 1st of March, when we celebrated World Music Therapy Day for the first time as ASD. The projects we worked on (a music video, Power to Heal; and a panel discussion on MT with a multidisciplinary team) brought together about 50 students from around the world, and encouraged engagement between many more. Other MT student groups also took initiative to post their own videos in the group, and we were so excited to see their contributions.

We can also help connect students more specifically through our ‘Student Contact’ form (, so if you have a specific region/clinical population of interest and would like to connect with another student with similar interests, feel free to use this resource.

Every month we also contribute one ‘blog’ post’ and one ‘Window to the World’ article to the WFMT website. The blog posts, written by ASD members, cover MT events and news from specific regions, so if you know of anything happening in your region we’d love to hear from you! You can contact your regional representative (details below) to find out how to contribute. Our ‘Window to the World’ series is all about music therapy from a cultural perspective. ‘Culture’ here can be considered in its broadest sense, and we would love to hear from student writers about their experiences. We want to offer a platform for your voices to be heard, so if you have an interesting experience to share about working with a new population, in a different language or region, online, or in any other way that stretched you beyond your comfort zone, let us know! We would love to accept your short article in both English and your mother tongue where applicable, in order to promote accessibility and inclusivity.

You can also check out our Info Cards ( for answers to FAQs about MT in different languages, and let us know if you would like to assist us in translating these cards into other languages.

Please feel free to get in touch with us via your regional representative or myself if you would like to get involved and have your voice heard, or if there are topics you are interested in and would like to see us cover more often.

We look forward to hearing from you, promoting accessibility and equality, and further connecting MT students around the topics important to them.

ASD representatives:

Africa: Calsey Schroeder (
Australia and New Zealand: Isaac Lizzit (
Europe: Kinga Majchrzak (
Latin America and the Caribbean: Henryque Cunha (
North America: Livia Umeda (
Southeast Asia: Teeda Rupsuwan (
Western Pacific: Jaris Yiu (

Caitlin Schulze
WFMT Executive Assistant/ASD