President Presents-Global Community Support

The WFMT recognizes that this year has been a year of struggle for many music therapists across the globe. We care deeply for our members and wish to support them in all challenges and opportunities. To that end, I am organizing a video meeting of all full organizational member leaders. In this meeting, we will connect and share ideas about how best to support all of our members during this time. If you would like your leaders to be a part of this opportunity, be sure your organization is a full organizational member so the president will receive an invitation to the meeting. Please see membership categories and application. Following this meeting, I will offer a time for all WFMT members to connect online. Members will be notified via email of the meeting date and time.

Music therapists are flexible, adaptable, and resilient. In addition to fostering these attributes in our clients, the process of music therapy itself is an evolution of adaptation. With World Music Therapy Day approaching, the WFMT World Music Therapy Day committee seeks to compile songs, art, poems, etc that demonstrate flexibility, adaptation, and resilience in music therapists and music therapy. While respecting confidentiality (no identifiable clients), please send pertinent examples to In doing so, one agrees that the material can be posted on WFMT’s social media channels, website, and other WFMT publications/presentations.

We would also like to share stories of resilience during this pandemic. If you are, or know of, a music therapist who has adapted business practice in a successful manner, please share the story in a short video. Contact Vivian at for more information, or to share your story.

In all times, those of celebration and those of challenge, we rely on our global community to support and strengthen each other. Please reach out to those near and far with kindness and compassion. We welcome you to join us in our WFMT global community and contribute to the gatherings and projects listed above.