Update from Australia/New Zealand

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Jeanette Milford Regional Liaison for Australia/New Zealand Contact: australianewzealand@wfmt.info

Jeanette Milford
Regional Liaison for Australia/New Zealand
Contact: australianewzealand@wfmt.info[/caption]Greetings from Down Under, where the world does indeed seem turned upside down since returning from the World Congress in Austria! Summer has turned overnight to winter, night to day, and I am missing the wonderful Krems team of WFMT Council, Congress Organisers, music therapists and students who worked so hard to create an unforgettable event! What a rich, diverse and colourful experience sharing our music therapy passions with over 1,000 people from all corners of the globe! Our region was especially well represented amongst participants, speakers and spotlight sessions and I heard much excellent feedback about our presentations!This was the first time ALL WFMT council members have been present, so much useful work and networking was achieved. The new Strategic Plan was approved and will guide us into this coming term. It has been a pleasure in recent months working on the WFMT members’ survey as part of the strategic planning team, capably led by Maïté Barbé from Sydney. In Austria we warmly welcomed the new Council on board, led by the dynamic Amy Clements-Cortes. It is a privilege for me to work with such a fabulous team on Council and be asked to continue as Regional Liaison for another term. Thanks to Tim Minchin, who has now completed his term as student delegate for Australia/New Zealand, and a very warm welcome to Irene Sandjaja.One of so many fascinating experiences in Austria was listening to the impressive professional team from Japan as they presented their bid to host the 2017 World Congress. Following a rigorous and demanding process, Council voted unanimously to accept their proposal. Start saving; the next Congress looks like being even bigger but still affordable!The Australian Music Therapy Association is busy gearing up for our annual conference in Brisbane on 29-30th August 2014: Musicking: In and Beyond Therapy, around the theme “Turning 40: Evaluate. Explore. Integrate. Celebrate”. On 28th August at 5.30pm, a public forum will explore perspectives on the value of music therapy in health and well-being. There may still be time to register if you are quick: online. Our colleagues in New Zealand have their AGM on 24th August, so we are hoping they will then hop on a plane to Brisbane in time to join us on 31st August for our professional development seminar and conference!Jeanette MilfordRegional Liaison for Australia/New Zealand[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]